When you need a little Christmas, any time of year,
I have some Care and Presents, some Love and Hope and Cheer.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

H is for...

"Have a Holly Jolly Christmas...."

I love how in the Christmas Classic "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", the animals decorated the trees in the forest just as they were. Of course who knows where they got all the tinsel and ornaments, but they all seemed to have a great time. I watch that movie every year, and every year I cry when all the other reindeer make fun of little Rudolph, I mean, wow, even Santa turns his back on the guy. Okay, I'm a sap; I cry watching Hallmark commercials. What can I say? We actually have a rule in our house that we are not allowed to watch any Christmas movies until at least November and even then it's movies like "The Holiday" and "Sleepless in Seattle'. These are movies with Christmas in them, but not necessarily "Christmas" movies. "It's a Wonderful Life" is traditionally watched the day after Thanksgiving, and after that, anything goes.
Sometimes I watch these movies and think, wow, what a great fantasy. Too bad real life is not really like that. Yet there is still a part of me that needs to believe that while these fantasies are completely unrelated to my life, the central idea in them is always the same: Hope.

So H is for... HOPE

Think about it. Every one of those Christmas movies leaves you with that same feeling: the hope that this world could somehow be a better place, that people can change for the better, that circumstances can improve, that there will be a better tomorrow, or a better future. 

Scotty Claus saw how Christmas trees were just being discarded and hoped he could find a better way of providing this wonderful symbol of Christmas without the sad waste. So he came up with the Living Christmas Company. His goal was not to make a gzillion dollars as much as to make people see that there is a better way of doing this great tradition.  He knows it may not be for everyone, but he hopes it will make a difference, one Christmas tree at a time. So maybe think about it...and meanwhile...

Merry Christmas!

Care'n Presents

Photo: digitaldreammachine.com

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