I can't help it! I'm a busy little elf. What can I say? Today, however I am caught up.
Day 89 - Enjoy something green. Maybe for you it's Kermit the Frog. For me, it's a Christmas tree. Since there aren't a whole lot of Christmas trees around yet, I'll settle for any tree. Step away from your computer and go outside. Appreciate whatever nature you can find. Breathe it in.
Day 88 - Look in your closet for red and green items. I don't know about you, but being an elf, I can't very well wait until December to find something festive to wear. Granted, being an elf, most of my clothes are red and green, and some even have jingly things on them, but still, I need to make sure they are in good shape and ready to wear this season!
Day 87 - Give someone a hug. Did I say that one already? Well, you can never give out too many hugs, right?
Day 86 - Check out our Christmas ornaments on livingchristmas.com. We have some really beautiful recycled ones, and lots of Fair Trade ornaments from exotic places like Peru and Tibet.
Day 85 - While you are there, check and see what kind of tree you'd like this year, unless of course you have adopted one from last year. If you don't see your adopted tree, don't worry, and elves are working hard to get everything organized. We recently moved all our trees from one lot to another one AND The Workshop has moved too. What a year, huh?
Day 84 - Call a friend. Ask them out for a cup of coffee, or a soda, or lunch. We all say: "We have to get together!" The problem is, then we get busy with, well, life, and these things tend to be a low priority. Push it to the top. Having friends takes time, but it's well worth it.
Day 83 - Clean the house. I mean really clean. As we get closer and closer to the holidays, things get busy. wouldn't it be nice to have a fresh start on it all? Think of it as Spring Cleaning...in the Fall. :)
Day 82 - Rub your pointy ears. Wait, you don't have pointy ears? Oh, that's right. I'm just so used to most of the people I know having them...well, rub your roundy ears then. Why? I don't know. I heard that it's lucky, or something. Can't hurt.
Day 81 - TODAY! Wow, I'm caught up (for the moment). Today I want to make up my holiday calendar. We all know that things get a little crazy during the holidays. We all schedule way too many things and get way too stressed out about everything. So I make a calendar. If there's too much, I try and figure out if I can let something go. If there's nothing I really can let go, I make sure to schedule in some restful moments in between. Going shopping all day? Decide to stop at some point for a little "me" time. Cleaning the house? Put some fun music on and dance while you work.
Well, there you go. Wow. tomorrow it will only be 80 days until Christmas!! Part of me can't wait, the other part wants to make every moment last. This can be a great time of year. Don't let it get so busy, that it's no fun any more. Be a kid, or better yet...an elf.
Merry Merry!
Care'n Presents
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