Okay, I know it's been awhile, but c'mon, Q? Not the easiest letter to do...but actually I did think of something:
When I was just a wee elfling, my mother used to tell me on Christmas Eve, that if I was very still and very quiet, I might be able to hear Santa's sleigh bells. So I would lie there in my bed, not moving a muscle, and as quiet as a mouse, listening. After what seemed like hours, I would think, did I just hear something? I was certain I heard the feint tinkling of bells. I'm not sure if I was actually slipping into dream-land by then, but before I knew it I was fast asleep. When I got older, my suspicion was, that it was all a trick my parents played to get me to go to sleep. Did I hear the bells? Still not sure, but it was fun trying.
Not to sound like a broken record, but I just wanted to say again, that it the midst of the craziness of the Christmas season, a little quiet time might be nice. Stick a peppermint stick into your cafe mocha, open up a book and relax for a while. Inhale the scent of your Living Christmas tree. I like to look at those magazines with pictures of beautiful holiday place settings, that I know I could probably never pull off, and dream of some elegant cocktail party I'll have some day. Whatever floats your boat. Quiet is a good thing...well except when you have kids and it gets "too quiet", in which case it could be dangerous, hehe.
Enjoy the quiet of the season when you can.

Merry Merry,
Care'n Presents
photo: amazon.com
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