"Have a Holly Jolly Christmas...."
Sometimes I watch these movies and think, wow, what a great fantasy. Too bad real life is not really like that. Yet there is still a part of me that needs to believe that while these fantasies are completely unrelated to my life, the central idea in them is always the same: Hope.
So H is for... HOPE
Think about it. Every one of those Christmas movies leaves you with that same feeling: the hope that this world could somehow be a better place, that people can change for the better, that circumstances can improve, that there will be a better tomorrow, or a better future.
Scotty Claus saw how Christmas trees were just being discarded and hoped he could find a better way of providing this wonderful symbol of Christmas without the sad waste. So he came up with the Living Christmas Company. His goal was not to make a gzillion dollars as much as to make people see that there is a better way of doing this great tradition. He knows it may not be for everyone, but he hopes it will make a difference, one Christmas tree at a time. So maybe think about it...and meanwhile...
Merry Christmas!
Care'n Presents
Photo: digitaldreammachine.com
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