But back to the list....
Day 99 - Give someone you love a BIG hug!! (easy, right?)
Day 98 - Decide what kind of cookies to make this year. I know, not everyone makes cookies, but if you do, this is important right? Usually I make Gingerbread Trees, but I was considering Short-bread pinwheels this year, what do you think? Maybe I should stick to Trees, considering all....
Day 97 - Check out the eco-friendly wrapping paper at livingchristmas.com. We have some really groovy styles and patterns! It's never too early to think about gift giving. Think about it! On the off chance that you actually do get your shopping done early (if you are like me every year you promise yourself that you will...) you'll want to wrap those fabulous gifts!!
Day 96 - Meet someone new!! I can say I actually did that when I went to the OWN event! I met LOTS of really nice, wonderful people!
Day 95 - Think of some random person that you haven't talked to for a really long time and send them a message, or call them, or write them a letter or e-mail just to say that you are thinking of them. This is something I try to do...at least once a week. It can make someone's day. Believe me, it's always worth it. A few minutes can mean so much.
Now I'm caught up. I'll try and be better, but you know what they say...an elf's work is never done. Actually...I'm okay with that.
Merry Merry!
Care'n Presents